Thursday, March 15, 2007

Cloned animal products might enter the food supply

Tell FDA: No Food From Cloned Animals!
Just as 2006 was drawing to a close, the Food and Drug Administration announced it had finished its long-awaited assessment of the risk from eating milk or meat from cloned animals. The agency said it found no significant health risks to humans eating these products, despite the fact that no long-term studies have been done and cloned animals often suffer from serious defects and health problems. The agency’s announcement kicked off a 90-day comment period on their draft “risk assessment” document.Right now there is a “voluntary moratorium” on the sale of milk and meat from cloned animals or their offspring. The FDA could lift that moratorium, allowing the sale of cloned food products, after it finalizes the risk assessment. This means that the agency is likely to approve the sale of food from cloned animals sometime in 2007.FDA’s support for animal cloning ignores widespread scientific concern about the health problems suffered by clones, and the uncertainty about whether or not it is safe to eat milk or meat from these potentially sick animals. The FDA’s position also ignores the ethical and animal welfare concerns that come with the cloning process. To make matters worse, FDA has said that cloned food will not have to be labeled, so consumers will have no way to avoid these controversial experimental foods.

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