Wednesday, March 21, 2007

New Job

Tomorrow I start a new job at SOU. It is temporary. We are transitioning our School of Arts and Letters/Science/Social Science into a huge College of Arts and Sciences. This turns 3 deans into 1. I am assisting the Dean of Social Science, who is the acting dean of the CAS. I will be helping them get all the filing, appoinments, and paperwork done for this transition. During this full time endeavor I will be in the Magic Flute, doing recordings for SORS, and participating in my church choir. Hopefully I will make some extra money from this. I'm excited to see what happens and will probably post more through the process.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Cloned animal products might enter the food supply

Tell FDA: No Food From Cloned Animals!
Just as 2006 was drawing to a close, the Food and Drug Administration announced it had finished its long-awaited assessment of the risk from eating milk or meat from cloned animals. The agency said it found no significant health risks to humans eating these products, despite the fact that no long-term studies have been done and cloned animals often suffer from serious defects and health problems. The agency’s announcement kicked off a 90-day comment period on their draft “risk assessment” document.Right now there is a “voluntary moratorium” on the sale of milk and meat from cloned animals or their offspring. The FDA could lift that moratorium, allowing the sale of cloned food products, after it finalizes the risk assessment. This means that the agency is likely to approve the sale of food from cloned animals sometime in 2007.FDA’s support for animal cloning ignores widespread scientific concern about the health problems suffered by clones, and the uncertainty about whether or not it is safe to eat milk or meat from these potentially sick animals. The FDA’s position also ignores the ethical and animal welfare concerns that come with the cloning process. To make matters worse, FDA has said that cloned food will not have to be labeled, so consumers will have no way to avoid these controversial experimental foods.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

A Widening Scandal

I've joined Senator Hillary Clinton in her call for Attorney General Alberto Gonzales to resign. He is at the center of a widening scandal over the firing of several U.S. attorneys -- firings we now know to be political. These attacks on the impartiality of the federal government's prosecutors are a genuine threat to the foundations of our justice system.

I hope you'll join me and Senator Clinton in calling for Gonzales to step down.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

My elementary school

This tree, here to the left, is the monterey cyprus outside my elementary school. It's huge, amazing and beautiful. It looked like this in 2001. I am so glad I found this picture, Because the next picture is what it looks like now.

This image is from the back, but it's almost the reverse perspective. (180 degrees) It's like my childhood had this happen to it. I grew up with this tree. The snow broke it's branches in a surprise snow storm, late February. It's really tough driving by this tree everyday. I'm glad though that I can show others what a little snow can do.

Friday, March 02, 2007

What is happening to Journalists?

The AP banned Paris Hilton news for a week. (During my birthday, thanks AP! Great present!) They wanted to see what would happen if they didn't talk about her for a week. HAHA! What the hell has happened to our country? I mean, this kind of crap has been going on for years but why do they now all of a sudden notice how petty they've become?

The fifth story on the list on is Anna Nicole Smith's casket moved to grave. Wow. Can't we just leave her be? Why does anyone care about her and her poor, poor family? Death, drugs, TrimSpa, Beauty, vanity, plastic surgery, etc. I don't give a shit about these people. I never expected her to die this quickly but I guess I should have. Our culture is rewarding idiot blonde women with no brains. Have any of these women done anything useful? No. They are all pretty and pretty slutty. That's what gets them their fame. Unbelievable.