Tuesday, February 27, 2007

What is going on in the world?

It seems to me that things just get worse and worse. Today I was on CNN.com and saw this article. http://www.cnn.com/2007/EDUCATION/02/27/self.centered.students.ap/index.html
I was part of this generation raised to think that I'm special, that I'm worth it, that the world should respect me, etc. The world isn't like that. So now we have a generation of kids who are completely obsessed with themselves and their myspace profile, and how many friends they have, and if they have the most friends somehow they are better, etc. It's disgusting. They all want to be movie stars and American Idols. How can we fix this problem? Why is beauty so important to us? Why do I feel like my hair has to be perfect everyday, that I need to be stylish, that if my clothes don't fit exactly right somehow I look bad to others. Why do I care about this crap? It shouldn't matter at all! I should be able to be perfectly happy with myself, regardless or what others think of me.

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